For this project, we made grids in Lightroom using pictures that use color effectively, or pictures that we have edited to show color or make color more prominent. These are my grids.
Chilled Asparagus |
This grid is a cool color grid, that uses the same picture. Each tile is a different angle of the picture. I cropped, rotated, tilted, and flipped them to move them to be in an arrangement I liked. In addition I lowered the saturation of the picture in Lightroom and then used the split tone tool to make the shadows and highlights a different color. This is how I made the same picture several different colors.
Mardi Gras Complements |
This grid is my color complements grid, and similar to the my cool color grid above, I used one picture for the entire grid. To make each tile different, I cropped, and flipped the pictures so each different colored tile shows a different section of the photo. Because this grid was a color complement grid, I changed the highlight and shadow colors so I was able to make the yellow tiles, as the original picture had more of a purple hue. After changing the highlights and shadows, I also changed the brightness, exposure, contrast, and recovery to make the varies tiles that have the same color.
Infrared Lights |
This grid is one of my favorites that I made because I really like the color I chose to make it monochrome. I decided to make the preset red because many of the pictures I used for this grid were originally dominated by cool colors and the contrast of a new color that was opposite of the original was very interesting. To make this grid, I made the preset on one picture first and then saved it. Next, I copied the settings from that edited picture and pasted them onto the other photos so they were all uniform in color and size.
Up-Close With Mother Nature |
This grid was one that I chose to make based on its subject. All the pictures are close-up pictures of plants, and I like that all the colors were very similar because of this. I changed the crop settings on each of them to change their size and make them uniform, and I also added the same preset. I used a preset that I had made to darken the pictures a bit, but also to sharpen some of them. My favorite part about this grid is that each photo has some similar colors with the ones neighboring it, but the overall tones in each photo are unique.
The Fruit of Fall |
This grid is one that I chose to make, and I picked fruits and vegetables that all had similar fall colors and then edited them to have the same preset. I chose this cooler preset because it made the images seem almost monochrome, but wasn't heavy enough that it overpowered the original colors in the photos, which can still be seen, though slightly darkened by the preset. By adding the same preset to all the photos for the grid, the photos are tied together not only by their subject matter, but also by their overall color tone. The arrangement of the grid furthers this because I placed the photos with similar colors is the same row.
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In addition to making our grids, we had to take a photo of our own and edit it in a way to make the color the most prominent part of the photo, as well as the most effective part. This the photo I chose.
Stars Behind the Stage |
This photo uses color to set an energized mood. The warm colors throughout the photo bring about thoughts of fire and high energy situations. I edited this picture to make the warm colors so dominant because I wanted to emphasize the importance of the role of the lights. This photo was taken from the back of a display that was wall of glass tiles lit up by the lights behind. While most would look at the arrangement from the front and admire the glass, I shot this photo from the back and focused instead on the lights, which are responsible for the glass glowing so beautifully.